Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lil' Hal

I sketched something last night at about 4 am and I retraced it today. Its my favorite character Halcyon as a kid.

I used Alias Sketchbook Pro.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Super HIro

I sketched it the other day and liked it. So I traced it with the tablet fixed up the face and just put some greys in there for some sort of shading.

I really like it and I look at it and want to do more but Im fine with it for now.

The idea is that he's in between being the meek starter Hiro and the eventual awesome Hiro sans glasses and accent with slicked back hair.

I did it start to finish in Photoshop CS2.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Rock out with your...nevermind

Its an odd first entry for a sketch blog but it will double as a blog of things I find interesting too. As

Love that commercial. Rocking so hard you destroy a meteor is always good. And for an art related spin the commercial was done by the same guy who designed the Gorillaz characters.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Numero Uno

I just wanted a decent place to put any sort of sketches I do so here it is. Most of them never make the light of day because I hate people seeing any unfinished work but I'll try and make an effort to keep updating.